Watch the motion graphics masterpiece here.

If there's anything I love in this world, its a fun beverage. With this piece, my goal was to marry vintage style risograph printing with imagery matching my favorite drinks.

Consider me your new favorite barista.

To start off, I mind-mapped my ideas, focusing on both the ways I define myself and my favorite fun beverages. I chose my favorites, and narrowed it down to my top eight most texturally-interesting drinks.

Role: Individual Project

Timeline: 4 Weeks

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator

For my initial sketches, I knew I wanted to focus on a singular subject at a time, accentuating the texture/feel of every drink.  I planned out the more organic shapes, before switching to more geometric vectors later in the process.

When developing my final storyboards, I decided on 5 solid poster shots, to keep each scene short and sweet.